The SLC educates and equips surface and mineral owners, and all other persons interested in stewardship of land and water, about oilfield produced water which has destroyed thousands of acres of land in North Dakota.
Our mission is to remediate* salt contaminated lands by legislation or litigation. We seek to educate legislators and raise public awareness of the need to reclaim, restore and revive the thousands of acres of salted land rendered “dead” or infertile by negligent management of oil production and resulting toxic waste in North Dakota.
To reclaim thousands of acres of farmland damaged by the oil industry.
Putting salt-damaged farmland back into production to help feed and nourish the world.
To protect and conserve soil and water quality for farmers and rural communities.
To provide economic stability to local communities by eliminating the economic liability of salt-contaminated land.
Support local communities with economic stimulus by developing a new environmental reclamation jobs.
The SLC educates and equips surface and mineral owners, and all other persons interested in stewardship of land and water, about oilfield produced water which has destroyed thousands of acres of land in North Dakota.
North Dakota, along with other oil producing states, faces the political and financial challenge of remediating salt contaminated land. As a byproduct of oil production, salt water must be carefully managed because every spill imperils the productivity of land and threatens the web of life in the watershed.
North Dakota is responsible for every gallon of produced water spilled. The state issues permits to drill oil wells, which ultimately pump salt water. The state’s failure to protect land and water imposes liability upon it. The state allows toxic substances, byproducts of oil production, to be generated and dumped on land or into watersheds. While this does not alleviate liability for oil producers, pipeline or trucking companies, many have gone bankrupt and the manifestation of salt damage is often delayed for decades. We educate landowners on legal remedies available to them. We help property owners form alliances so that comprehensive remediation occurs.
*Remediate: set straight or right; to remove or reduce (pollutants, harmful chemicals, etc.); to clean (air, soil, water, etc.) by removing or reducing pollutants, harmful chemicals, etc.; to lessen the effect of.